Refund and Returns Policy


Orders are typically processed and shipped off within 3-5 business days. During major sales or holidays, please anticipate additional processing time. Once an order is placed, modifications are not possible. If assistance is needed, please reach out to [email protected], providing detailed information, and our team will do their utmost to assist you. Our support team is available Monday through Friday.


Enjoy FREE SHIPPING on all US orders. Once picked up and scanned in by our carrier, transit times range from 2 to 7 business days, depending on the shipping method + delivery destination.

You will receive your shipping confirmation email as soon as a label is created for your order, and the tracking status of your shipment may take up to 48 hours once a label has been created.

Once shipped, an order’s tracking information is outside of our control. KASHCURE is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. If you believe your package has been lost or stolen, please contact us at [email protected] within 60 days of the original dispatch date. We would assist you in filling a claim with the carrier. We cannot replace missing or stolen packages at this time.


We currently are shipping to Jamaica and Canada only.

For shipping to Canada, there is a flat rate cost of $25 to cover shipping expenses.

For shipping to Jamaica, please provide the address to your home address in Jamaica. We will utilize a shipping service contracted by KASHCURE. Once your package arrives in Jamaica, you will be responsible to contacting the shipper to arrange pickup.


    We would love to! But we currently do not offer refunds, exchanges or returns at this time.

    Each order receives a tracking number automatically as soon as the label is printed. Please check your email to get updates about your order. We can also provide it to you here.

    All applicable custom fees, taxes, and duties are the responsibility of the customer. It is at the sole discretion of custom agents to release your package.

    Please note that in some occasions, customs agents may delay the delivery of some packages.

    Need help?

    Contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] for any questions or concerns.